quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

A moment's rage

It was my job not just to pluck the chichen, but to eviscerate them. You slit the ass open a little bit and you stick your hand up and you grab the viscera and you pull them out. I hated that part. Nauseating and disgusting but it had to be done. That's what I learned from my father and what I loved learning from him: that you do what you have to do.
Philip Roth. Indignation. Vintage. 2009

A min tocábame non só desplumar os pitos, senón destripalos. Dáselles un cortiño no cu, métese a man, cóllense as tripas e sácanse. Detestaba esa parte. Metíame náuseas e noxo, pero cumpría facelo. Iso foi o que aprendín de meu pai e o que adoraba aprender del: que un fai o que ten que facer.

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